Learning to see and compose artistically requires close analysis of tonal contrast. Unlike past SLRs, today’s digital cameras offer instant black and white modes to assist in that analysis. Digital processing also allows a wide latitude of subjective adjustments. Color can be like a drug, after a while it takes more to satisfy, and over-saturation becomes a screaming need. Returning to black and white helps restore nuances of mood and emotion with expressions of exposure and contrast while kindling appreciation for the shades of gray.

"Spiral Wrack Seaweed"

"Framing with Grain"

"Autobahn Rain"

"Tides Out"

"South Rim Snow" (1978, from film)

"Stream Side Brush"

"Hotel Magic Stairway"

"Mud Flap" (1985, from film)


"Droplet World"

"Cross Bracing"

"Worlds End 2020"

"Twists of Fate"

"Short Stack"

Bank Branches"


"Brush Strokes"

"Un Roofed"

"Curb Your Crane"

"Branching In"

"Pyramid Base"