Travel is like eye drops for the mind. A world view that includes city life, culture and historical structures is renewed with each journey. City walks and urban hikes provide block after block of images.

"Laundry Day", Venice

Pacific Heights toward Sausalito, SanFrancisco

Hundertwasserhaus, Vienna

Grant Park Fountain, Chicago

Golden Gate from Presidio, San Francisco (1979, from slide)

Gondolas, looking toward Guidocca, Venice
Ghirardelli Dusk, San Francisco (1980, from slide)

Shadows, Aosta, Italy
Eiffel Tower, Paris

Space Needle, Seattle, WA

Window Seat View, Boston
"Morning Rain", Left Bank, Paris

Julius Castle, SanFrancisco

Ruins, Aosta, Italy

Innsbruck, Austria


"Lights On, Off Times Square"

"Presidio Eve", San Francisco (1980, from slide)

"Ancien et Nouveau Louvre"

"Branched Yellow Wall with Windows", Innsbruck